July 29, 2019

New managment

The President of CAVIA is elected and the new Board is formed.

On June 18 the CAVIA General Meeting elected the first CAVIA President and formed the first CAVIA Board. Composition of the Board: Artūras Stankevičius (Chairman) Saulius Batavičius Karolis Čepukas Joris Gintilas Evaldas Petkus Darius Viltrakis Joris Gintilas was elected as the president. The term of office of the members of the Board and the President will last until 18-06-2020.


Adresas: Konstitucijos pr. 9 - 63, Vilnius 
Įmonės kodas: 305191434
El. Paštas: info@cavia.lt
Telefonas: +370 612 09218


Civilinės aviacijos asociacija (CAVIA) yra pelno nesiekianti visuomeninė organizacija vienijanti proaktyvius Lietuvos aviacijos pramonės atstovus.
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